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Garage Coffee Bros. for Sustainability


Our commitment to greater sustainability begins in conjunction with the birth of our company in 2018. Today we want to put our daily commitment on paper, so that our work and our passion have as little negative impact as possible on this world.


What do we actually do?

Here are the projects and actions we implement:

1. Since the first toast in 2018, we have chosen an IMF toasting machine that is equipped with a Catalyzer. A special burner that operates at an average temperature of 600°c and thanks to that temperature it manages to reduce atmospheric emissions of NOx, CO2, CO, Formaldehyde, etc. (The biennial analyses highlight that our atmospheric emissions are less than half, in some cases even 1/4, of the maximum legally permissible threshold)

2. In October 2021, we decided to implement the first step on packaging, as follows:

  • We only use recycled cardboard boxes and paper tape for e-commerce packaging
  • We have gone from triple-coupled packaging (Plastic/Aluminium/Plastic) to 100% Plastic Packaging created with CO2 Neutral.

3. We have activated a project in collaboration with the Shopify E-Commerce Platform, through an App called PLANET. The Planet App allows you to offer carbon-neutral shipping on all orders while supporting some of the most promising climate projects on the planet. Planet automatically calculates the estimated emissions for shipping each of your orders

4. With the initiative "Buy 1. Plant 1, Collect 1." every time you buy a package on E-commerce, we plant a Mangrove in Madagascar with Eden Reforestation Projects, think that a Mangrove can absorb up to 300kg of CO2 in its lifetime! Together with this, we collaborate with Plastic Bank, every package of coffee purchased allows us to remove the equivalent of a plastic bottle from the oceans while supporting communities that collect plastic in exchange for social projects in poor areas! You can also choose to plant 2 Mangroves for an additional €1!

5. In addition to the PLANET/Shopify project, we adhere to the "Climat Protect" project by GLS Courier. Climate Protect is the environmental strategy of GLS that aims for climate neutrality through emission offsetting; in this case, shipments are offset in projects aimed at removing CO2 from the air, and the financial contribution is used to purchase low-impact electric vehicles. Additionally, GLS carries out forest conservation projects and installs facilities for energy production from renewable sources, thanks to partnerships with specialized and certified agencies in the sector. Until October 2024, we have removed together with our customers: Click and see

5. Adopt a coffee tree in Ecuador with Treedom. We have created albums to collect our various coffee labels. Every time the album of labels to collect is completed, the adoption of a Coffee Tree in Ecuador is given as a gift.

6. The Farmgate Price project begins in 2023. We care about the taste and price of the coffee we buy. In technical terms it is called "Farmgate Price" and identifies the real price paid to those who produce it, we buy raw coffee in two ways : 1.directly from farmers/cooperatives, 2.from specialty coffee importers in Europe. In the second case, we ask our suppliers to share the real price they paid for the coffee they resell to us. In the future you will see this item more and more in our cafes.


We are not perfect and we know it, but we want to be transparent!

Yes, ok, but at the end of all, what does Sustainability mean?

Con the term sustainability, first used in 1992 during the first UN Conference on the Environment, it refers to the “condition of a development model capable of ensuring the satisfaction of the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own.” This is a definition of sustainability that focuses mainly on ecology but, to date, the term sustainability is also associated with concepts such as economy and society. What does sustainability mean then?

It is precisely thanks to the term "sustainability" and what it means that human beings have begun topay attention to the greenhouse effect andto the hole in the ozone layer, situations deriving precisely from the unsustainable use of environmental resources.


If we wanted to give a definition to the word "sustainability" that is not directly centered on the environment, we would talk about it as thecondition necessary to achieve a global balance >between man and ecosystem. An indispensable balance for the proliferation of mankind over time.


The approach to Sustainability, what are the application sectors?

There are 3 main areas:

  1. Environmental: That is, the condition through which the process of exploitation of natural resources, aimed at technological development or the sustenance of human beings, has the possibility of becoming less impacting the environment in order to allow its coexistence also for future generations. (see for example the intensive cultivation of low quality coffee)
    Without the implementation of globally shared environmental sustainability plans and with targeted multi-annual objectives, mankind will soon have to deal with the most catastrophic consequences of its constant exploitation of environmental resources.
    The deforestation, the advancement of deserts, the melting of glaciers and its consequent rise in sea and ocean levels, the ozone hole, the global temperature rise are just a few examples of what the genre human will have to face.
    Some strategies already implemented to improve environmental sustainability are the development of green areas in urban spaces strong>, the increasing attention to industrial production, the use of renewable energy sources strong> e the recycling or the correct disposal of waste.
  2. Economic: That is, the concept of sustainability linked to the capacity of an economic system to produce income and work constantly.
    It may not be so obvious that an economic system that is not sustainable is destined to become extinct. (see for example the exploitation of farmers by large industries that take advantage of poverty to pay very little for coffee) If work is not encouraged and income is not produced, money does not circulate and the economic system collapses. This is why, in a society that finds its stability in the economic system, it is essential that this is sustainable. It is no coincidence, in fact, that one of the paradigms of the economy is growth
  3. Social: That type of sustainability that allows the cohesion of a society that is capable of support its members who, by collaborating to achieve common objectives, are also able to achieve individual well-being. (an example is the Cooperation between farmers and coffee producers)
    A paradigm of the social sciences is, in fact, the concept of equality.

We have a long way to go, we know it! But we have begun the first steps towards the future

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